The Apocalypse Approaches
We are all doomed. Everyone really take some time to stop and smell the flowers because you don't have long to live. How do I know this you ask? Well it all started at my lesson Friday...
I walked in with the fakest of all fake smiles plastered to my face because I was
determined to have a good lesson no matter what. I sat down and listened to Emily finish up her lesson with a loverly interpretation of The Swan. Then she had a heated discussion about what piece to play next that was rather entertaining to listen to. Finally she left after taking up 10 minutes of my lesson, so I took out my book and turned it to the Swan but she turned it to Tarentella *gag* so I had to play that. I played it, but I was all tense and uptight, so she told me a story about a student of hers who is more uptight than me. She said that she was talking to her about how not to be so tense and decided that she needed to "go to mass and take a huge swig of wine before her lesson so I don't have to get permission from your parents to get you a drink before you play." I cracked up and had a hard time playing through The Swan w/out laughing. Later, she quoted Yoda which was really strange and I said "Wow you are like one of those dolls that you pull the string and they talk," and in response (And this was totally unexpected) she said "THERE'S A SNAKE IN MY BOOT!" Now if you really know Mrs. Lopez, you know that she never says anything funny... NEVER! I like... Had a seizure when she said that. It was an interesting lesson. I am starting to wonder if she had a drink or two before my lesson. So to make up for such a good lesson, next week will be terrible. It will be one of those on-the-verge-of-tears lessons. Well I shouldn't say that. That is my problem. I am a pessimist. Maybe she will be cool next week and the week after that and the week after that. (There Mrs. Lopez if you are reading this, lets hope not, I was just optimistic!!!)
You see! Mrs. Lopez was funny! Truly, genuinely funny! We are all going to die! Ok now watch this. My favorite industrial violinist is going to take two minutes of your life to leave you amazed.
Oh and technically its her own genre, Victoriandustrial, a mix of classical and industrial.
And now my favorite cello journey... Well not my favorite, but... uh wait yeah its my favorite... Wait but what about- OH HERE WATCH AND ENJOY! -.-
great vids :) ... I still remember the first episode of cellojourney ... and now look, we have already episode 21, Luke is doing a really great job.
Hi.. um
My name is Lauren....
I'm crazy about my cello, too.!!
I was looking up cello art and I came across your blog...
I really love it!! Its absolutely amazing!!
My cello's name is Vampyro... a mix between a vampire and a pyromaniac cause I love fire so much...
I have no idea why I'm being so spontaneous but yeah...
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